A sneak peek at this highly acclaimed imperial stout from Deschutes Brewing – The Abyss. Like Santa Claus, The Abyss comes but once a year (typically late fall-winter) and is ranked one of the top 15 beers in the world in BeerAdvocate.com. The beer is brewed with black strap molasses, licorice, with cherry bark and vanilla added with 6% aged in oak bourbon barrels, 11% aged in oak barrels and 11% aged in oak wine barrels.
It’s dark. It’s deep. It’s mysterious. This imperial stout has immeasurable depth inviting you to explore and discover its rich complex profile. The flavor of this special brew draws you in further and further with each sip. The abyss beckons. Enjoy the journey.
Style: Imperial Stout
Availability: 22oz bombers
Release Date: TBA. Label states best after 11/15/2011
11% ABV