Upslope Dry Hopped Wild Ale is the 8th entry in the brewery’s ongoing Lee Hill Series.
This edition is a sour blonde ale, that has been aging in neutral oak. Neutral oak has lost most, if not all it’s ability to import oak flavors or flavors from anything that has previously aged in it.
The brewery really shows some versatility with this release. Upslope has made a name for themselves by brewing great beers to style. (Their Brown Ale just won awards.) We still wholeheartedly believe that if you can brew a solid IPA, pale ale, or brown ale, you can brew anything. Upslope Dry Hopped Wild Ale is exactly that example.
Upslope Dry Hopped Wild Ale is the 8th edition in the Lee Hill Series. Available in 19.2 ounce cans in a very limited release run.
Style: American Wild Ale (Oak Aged)
Availability: 19.2oz Cans. Limited taproom release.
Debut: Late Spring, 2016
?? ABV