Topic Archives: Great American Beer Festival
GABF Sells 49,000 Tickets In Record Time
This week has been abuzz with Great American Beer Fest tickets going on sale. Today at 10 am (Denver time) tickets went on sale to the general public. By 10:45 AM MDT, all 49,000 tickets had sold out. Record breaking time for the festival.
Tickets are already showing up on eBay for 300+ dollars a pop.
Read more: Great American Beer Fest
Great American Beer Fest Tickets On Sale Today
Great American Beer Fest tickets go on sale to the general public today at 10 AM MDT. (For those that aren’t time zone savy, look up what time it is in Denver.) Earlier in the week, Ticketmaster screwed up the members only ticket sale. In a matter of minutes, the general public gets a shot at the largest beer festival in America.
Fingers crossed on this one Ticketmaster. [TicketLink]
GABF & Ticketmaster Fix Issues
The American Homebrewers Association has an update to the ticket issues going on this week. They have been working with Ticketmaster in order fix issues caused by a computer glitch this week. This was posted to Facebook last night.
AHA members: Here’s the (yes, somewhat lengthy) update on the Great American Beer Festival pre-sale situation.
Ticketmaster and the GABF have carefully reviewed purchases for the Saturday afternoon Members-Only session to ensure that tickets were purchased by members and by members only. As described in our previous communications here, we worked to verify unclear membership statuses and to be ce
In the review, we discovered that only a very small quantity of tickets were purchased by non-members. In fact, only 21 tickets were sold to non-members. We have triple-checked purchaser membership statuses and believe this number to be accurate. Those 21 tickets sold to non-members are cancelled and fully refunded. Naturally, we deeply regret the frustration that has been caused by Ticketmaster’s technical issues with the member pre-sale, yet this review does show that nearly all tickets were, in fact, sold to members.
These 21 tickets for the Saturday Members-Only session will be released for sale to AHA and BA members at 9:00 a.m. Mountain time (11:00 a.m. Eastern; 10:00 a.m. Central; 8:00 a.m. Pacific) on Thursday, August 2. This is one hour before the public ticket sale opens. We expect this tiny quantity of Saturday Members-Only session tickets to sell nearly instantly. Tickets will be available on
Many of our members have expressed surprise about the quick pace of sell-out for the Saturday Members-Only session this year. Yes, that was fast! Simply put, demand for tickets from our 32,000+ AHA members and 2,000+ Brewers Association members outstrips supply.
At the same time, the pace of ticket sales has taken off. In 2007, the festival sold out the week of the event, while the 2011 event sold out in only one week. And here we are in 2012, with a blazing fast Members-Only session sell-out.
As always, we appreciate your support of the GABF.
Ticketmaster/GABF Ticket Fallout [VIDEO]
Ticketmaster pissed off a lot of beer fans yesterday. Tickets went on sale yesterday for the Great American Beer Fest in Denver, Colorado to members of the Brewer’s Association and American Homebrewers Association. The general public wasn’t supposed to have an opportunity until August 2nd. However, thanks to a glitch – those members of the the aforementioned groups couldn’t buy the tickets, but the general public could. To make matters worse, the Saturday afternoon “members only” session sold out within 2 hours, leaving a lot people without tickets.
The American Homebrewers Association mentioned on Facebook that they will cancel the ticket orders of those without membership numbers. No word on how the re-couped tickets will be sold to the members.
GABF Presale Tickets? Ticketmaster #FAIL
Well, a lot has happened in a few hours. A little while ago we mentioned that Great American Beer Fest tickets go on sale for Brewer’s Association members. (Public sale is August 2nd.) The largest ticket sales site on the internet Ticketmaster “crapped the bed” today in regards to the ticket sales. BSJ, like many others had issues purchasing tickets. What we saw? First, the site wouldn’t allow you to accept the terms and conditions.
Secondly, the Brewer’s Association/AHA number was not required to purchase the tickets. Basically, anyone could buy them today prior to the 2,000 allotted tickets selling out. (Unless Ticketmaster cancels orders without the memmber number that is… ) Where is Pearl Jam when you need them? See what people are saying on Twitter about their experience #GABF
UPDATE: Looks like those who used the mobile site experienced far fewer problems than those at the computer. The Saturday members only session sold out in just 2 hours…
GABF Member Tickets On Sale Today
Great American Beer Fest 2012 Tix On Sale Late July
The Great American Beer Festival (GABF) Members-Only ticket pre-sale begins on Tuesday, July 31 at 10:00 AM MDT (Noon EDT, 11:00 AM CDT, 9:00 AM PDT). The general public ticket sale opens on Thursday, August 2, also at 10:00 AM MDT (Noon EDT, 11:00 AM CDT, 9:00 AM PDT).
All tickets will be available via
Don’t forget: The Great American Beer Festival has sold out each year for the past five years, and tickets sold out in a matter of days in 2011. Buy your tickets early to ensure you can enjoy the largest beer tasting event in the world.
The Great American Beer Festival site will be updated in the coming weeks.
Note: The above is copied straight from a recent GABF email.