Well, a lot has happened in a few hours. A little while ago we mentioned that Great American Beer Fest tickets go on sale for Brewer’s Association members. (Public sale is August 2nd.) The largest ticket sales site on the internet Ticketmaster “crapped the bed” today in regards to the ticket sales. BSJ, like many others had issues purchasing tickets. What we saw? First, the site wouldn’t allow you to accept the terms and conditions.
Secondly, the Brewer’s Association/AHA number was not required to purchase the tickets. Basically, anyone could buy them today prior to the 2,000 allotted tickets selling out. (Unless Ticketmaster cancels orders without the memmber number that is… ) Where is Pearl Jam when you need them? See what people are saying on Twitter about their experience #GABF
UPDATE: Looks like those who used the mobile site experienced far fewer problems than those at the computer. The Saturday members only session sold out in just 2 hours…