Lovers of the lovely liquid that comes of SweetWater Brewery’s Dank Tank, your wait for a new release is here. Behold, Danktoberfest. Tis the season, and time to get festy. Oktoberfesty that is. Yesterday the brewery worked hard bottling and hand packaging bombers of SweetWater’s first true lager.
Danktoberfest is big, clocking in at 8.5% ABV. Don’t worry though. This beer doesn’t drink that way at all. You can quaff a full 22 ounces of this malty brew and not even know it’s pushing 9%. From the pics, you’ll see bottle filling, freshies coming down the line, and the guys hand boxing them. Head brewer Nick Nock pulled a few off the line for “quality control” purposes. That’s the bearded fella pictured below. Danktoberfest is only available in 22oz bombers. Draft only at the brewery for tours.
Style: Imperial Oktoberfest
Availability: 22 oz bombers. No Draft
Arrival: Headed to shelves now
8.5% ABV
Read more: SweetWater, Dank Tank Series
Another classic American example of big is better. No thanks. I’ll take my Marzens with purpose, as a sessionable party beer.
another classic American example of someone being a prick