Posted in Cool Stuff, Sun King Brewing

Sun King Looks To Can Barrel Aged & Sours

Sun King recently did something you have seen a small brewery do.  Put their beer in the Alumi-tek Resealable Can (Read: Sun King/Oskar Blues).  You’ve seen Coors Light do it.  Sun King also uses the same can design for all their seasonal offerings, but adds a sticker to designate which seasonal it is.

Sun King seems like a “next level” kind of brewery.  So enter this little nugget of beer nerd/beer cool.  Sun King is starting a barrel-aged program, and a sour beer program.  Cool right? Wait. I’m starting a new paragraph for this.

Sun King is looking to package these beers in the Alumi-tek cans.  Yeah, we’ve always joked about this.  KBS in cans. Black Tuesday in cans.  Hell, someone even asked me on Saturday if Sierra Nevada will can Bigfoot.  Sun King is starting with Johan Barleywine apparently.

The sour program launches by the end of the year.   Side Note:  A reader astutely pointed out that Great Crescent Brewery has canned Bourbon’s Barrel Stout.  Good catch.   [DraftMag]



4 thoughts on “Sun King Looks To Can Barrel Aged & Sours

  1. Another Indiana brewer, Great Crescent, is already canning their Bourbon’s Barrel Stout. Its production is tiny, but a tasty beer if you can find it.

  2. Sun King cans their other beers in regular 16oz pop-tops not the Alumi-tek resealable cans. The Chaka canning is the first time they’ve used this can design.  

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