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Like pumpkin pie served with a cup of coffee. Southern Tier Cold Press Coffee Pumking debuts

Southern Tier Cold Press Pumking bottles

Southern Tier Cold Press Coffee Pumking, a variant of one of the most well-known pumpkin beers, has started hitting shelves.

The mere mention of Pumking will typically get a strong “love it” or “hate it” reaction. Either way, it’s hard to doubt this pumpkin beer has made quite an impression on the beer scene. In addition to this coffee variant, Rum Barrel Pumking is also a part of the fall lineup.

Southern Tier Cold Press Coffee Pumking is created in a few steps. First, the brewery mashed in the grains at a higher temperature in order to leave a little residual sweetness to pair better with the coffee flavor.

Once fermentation was completed the beer was cold crashed to 32 degrees, and 150 pounds of cold pressed coffee from local roaster Stedman’s was added. Incidentally, the brewery pressed the coffee themselves.

In the end, the coffee adds nutty and cocoa flavors to Pumking’s strong pumpkin and pie crust flavors. Most folks have tried the base beer, Pumking – easily one of the boldest pumpkin beers out there. The coffee presence is strong but really strikes a balance with the pumpkin flavors, almost muting them a bit. Cold Press Pumking truly is pumpkin pie served with a cup of coffee.

Due to the infusion, this beer does have traces of caffeine.

Southern Tier Cold Press Coffee Pumking is a limited draft and 12-ounce bottle offering.

Style: Pumpkin Beer (w/ Coffee)
Availability: 12oz Bottles, Draft.
Release: September 2017

8.6% ABV

PIC: Beer Street Journal

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