Posted in Coming Soon, Don't Miss This, Sixpoint Craft Ales

Sixpoint Planning 24 Ounce “Silo” Cans

Sixpoint The Crisp 24 oz

The can population is growing exponentially, and I don’t hear anyone complaining.

Craft breweries have adopted everything from the 12, 16, and the 19.2oz cans. Sixpoint, which already has the slim can, is poised to make a foamy splash with the 24oz “Silo” can.

Artwork has surfaced for a 24oz can design for The Crisp, Sixpoint’s German-style pilsner. For those really bad at math, that’s a full 2 ounces more than the ever popular bomber.

Ball Corporation (One of the largest aluminum can makers) produces a 24oz can, alongside a 25.4oz and 32oz option in the category. The 24oz is seen on the left.

Ball Can Sizes