Posted in Seasonal Return, Short's Brewing

Short’s Key Lime Pie 2012 Just Days Away [VIDEO]

Short’s Brewing (Bel Aire, MI) is just days away from releasing Key Lime Pie 2012. The pie flavored treat is brewed with fresh limes, milk sugar, graham cracker, and marshmallow fluff. Short’s literally recreated the pie flavor in a beer.

The prominent flavors are immensely sweet, yet tart, with subtle hints of graham cracker coming through in the nose.

The video below should tell you everything you need to know.

Style: Fruit Beer (w/ Graham Cracker, Marshmallow Fluff, Limes, Milk Sugar)
Availability: 12 oz bottles, Draft. Limited release.

5.75% ABV

2012 Short’s Key Lime Pie Release from Short’s Vimeo on Vimeo.

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