Posted in Coming Soon, Redhook

Redhook’s Down Under Stout

Redhook Down Under Stout

Redhook Down Under Stout

Redhook Brewing has a Blueline Series of beers, all dark, appearing in bombers throughout the year.  First in the series was Dunkelweizen, already available.  Down Under Stout will join the series this year.


A smooth and creamy brew that is loosely modeled after Australian and sweeter styled stouts.  Brewed with plenty of specialty malts, this stout is dark in color with a rich and decadent taste. 

Style: Stout

Availability: 220z bombers, Draft.  Blueline series small batch release.

7% ABV

One thought on “Redhook’s Down Under Stout

  1. Had this new Down Under Stout for lunch today and it was delicious! In my humble opinion a very close second to Iron Horse Irish Death. All good beers at Redhook but finally something of full flavor that got my attention.

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