Posted in Beer News, Coming Soon, Left Hand Brewing, Terrapin Beer Company

Preliminary Details: Terrapin/Left Hand Midnight Project 2011

NOTE: These details are subject to change.

Terrapin Brewing & Left Hand Brewing are about to embark on their 4th brew in the Midnight Project Collaboration Series.  Each year, the location of the brew switch from brewery to brewery.  Year 1: Longmont. Beer: Terra-Rye’Zd  Year 2: Athens. Beer: Depth Charge.  Year 3: Longmont. Beer: Oxymoron.

This year’s edition will be brewed in July sometime in Athens, Georgia.  Here are some tentative details.  Peaches.  A mixture of both Colorado & Georgia peaches.  Style, other ingredients and such have yet to be decided.  That’s what getting together over beers is for. (Hey, that’s where the series started right??)

The name they are working on is awesome. Pea-och.  (That’s my spelling, but sound it out. That’s what they are going for.)

Again, brew day is in July sometime. Also in July is this year’s Reunion release with Shmaltz Brewing & Alan Shapiro.

Other Terrapin News, the brewery is currently installing more conditioning tanks. (Image below). Saturday June 18th is the brewery’s “Brewau,” 5:30-7:30pm


5 thoughts on “Preliminary Details: Terrapin/Left Hand Midnight Project 2011

    • Was anyone?   To be fair, I guess it wasn’t offensive or anything.  But it seemed like a mighty big waste for a collaboration project.  if you get a B on BeerAdvocate, I think it’s safe to say you’ve captured mediocrity in a bottle.

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