Posted in Now Tapping

Now Tapping: Gluten Free @ 5 Seasons West

This is the first time I have seen a gluten free offering by a brewpub.  At least in Atlanta anyway.   Crawford Moran at 5 Seasons West has teamed up with their highly talented Chef  Dave to create gluten free Mondays.

The inability to process gluten is a medical condition called Celiac disease.  If you suffer from Celiac disease – drinking beer which is made with wheat and barley, will cause an array of issues including abdominal pain, nausea, and diarrhea.  Celiacs have a damaged lower intestine that can’t process proteins found in rye, barley, and wheat.  Beer draws sugars from these grains in order to ferment them into alcohol.  The solution to this is substitute these grains with celiac friendly sorghum to draw sugars for fermentation.

This substitution is exactly what Crawford Moran did.  Instead of barley, he used sorghum for fermentable sugars.  He also used buckwheat and roasted buckwheat for extra flavor.  The yeast is  gluten free American Ale yeast.  Cascade hops were used for their strong aromatics, and some bitterness.  The yet unnamed beer is a pale ale, with emphasis on the hops which makes rather unique in the world of gluten free beers.  The current commerical options in the gluten free realm tend to be more malt forward ales and lagers. This would the be first pale ale I’ve come across.

In addition this beer, Chef Dave at 5 Seasons West will be offering various entrees and small plates that a free of glutens to compliment this new offering on Mondays.

Hops – Cascade

Malts – Gluten Free Sorghum, Buckwheat

Yeast – Gluten Free Ale Yeast

5% ABV

Tapping today, 3/1 @ 5 Seasons West!

1000 West Marietta Street Northwest
Atlanta, GA 30318-0524
(404) 875-3232

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