Posted in New Beers, Ninkasi Brewing

Ninkasi Sleighr Dark Double Alt Ale

Ninkasi Sleigh’r.

Style:  Altbier

Info per Ninkasi:

First Brewed: 2009

  • Starting Gravity:
  • Bitterness: 50 IBUs
  • Alcohol %: 7.2
  • Malt: 2 Row Pale Malt, Crystal Malt, Munich Malt, Carahell Malt, Roasted Barely, Chocolate Malt
  • Hops: Nugget

On the bottle:
A delicious northwest seasonal brewed with winter in mind. A dark double alt, malty, nourishing and delicious, it’s sure to keep the winter at bay, and yes, Sleigh’r does rock!

Tasting Notes:
An Alt ferments with Ale yeast at colder lagering temperatures. This effect gives Alts a more refined a crisp lagerlike flavor than traditional ales. The Double Alt means that it has been Ninkasified. Regular Alts are 5 to 5.5 % and 40 ibus.Sleigh’r has a deep toasted malt flavor that finnished dry and has 7.2 % alc and 50 ibus keeping it in a perfect Alt balance.!

Food Pairings:
Beef, Lamb, Duck, Steamed Shellfish, Strong Cheeses, Chocolate Torte

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