Posted in New Releases, Peak Organic Brewing

NEW RELEASE: Peak Brewing’s Fall Summit

Peak Brewing just finished the last of a their very successful summer release — “Summer Session Ale.”  A pale ale that canoodled with a wheat ale to make a crisp, summer session beer.  Owner Rob Lucente, and brewer Jon Cadoux haven’t let success go to their head.  Instead, immediately started planning their fall release — “Fall Summit Ale.”  Right now, this beer is in the tanks, shipping next week.

Quoting Rob Lucente – “Fall Summit makes use of summit and simcoe hops to impart a peppery, piney taste with a kiss of citrus notes in the finish with a great malty backbone.”

This beer, like all of Peak’s beers is certified USDA Organic.  What does this mean??  Rob uses small local farms around Portland, Maine to get the ingredients for his beers.  He supports the little guy, while making good beer.  I can’t find fault in that.

Taste Expectations: Simcoe hops in the nose, light malty character with a hoppy flavor throughout.   Light finish.  Great for fall.

Availability: 12oz/ 6pks, Draft.

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