Posted in New Releases

NEW RELEASE: Ommegang Cup O Kyndnes

The next brew in Ommegang’s Limited Edition Series has arrived, “Cup O Kyndness.”  Kyndness follows Zuur, a flanders red ale collaboration between the Cooperstown, NY brewery and Liefmans  Brewery in Belgium.

Commercial Description:
The Belgian-Scotch brewing connectiondates to World War I when thousands of Scotsman spent years in Belgium.  To satisfy their new customers, Belgian brewers learned to brewe Scotch-style ales, and the styles became a  new and significant part of teh Belgian brewing tradition.  This fine Ommegang ale uses heather tips and a wee bit of smoked malt to bring the taste and aroma of Scotland to the forefront.

Style: Scottish Ale. (With a Belgian flair)

Taste Expectations: Smoky and roasty.  Scotch malt flavors with a definite Belgian flair.  This beer is caramelly, nutty, smoky and complex.

Availability: 750 ML Corked & Caged.  Draft.  Limited one time brew.  (For now)

6.6% ABV

“An wil tak a cup o kyndnes yet, fir ald land syn.” — Robert Burns

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