Posted in New Belgium, New Releases

NEW RELEASE: New Belgium Belgian Blonde

Following on the heels of Eric’s Ale in the Lips of Faith collection is Belgian Blonde Ale from New Belgium Brewing (Ft. Collins, Co.)  Belgian Blonde Ale is a strong golden ale, with a Belgian flair.

New Belgium description –

“This strong golden ale is light in color, with moderate body and a crisp finish. Saaz and Styrian Golding hops offer a distinctive Nobel hop aroma. A Belgian yeast strain produces banana and clove notes for a remarkably crisp flavor profile. Belgian Blond is delightfully inviting and approachable with a decidedly adult 8.5% alcohol content.”

Hops – Saaz, Stryian Golding  (All Noble)

Taste Expectations –  Banana and clove from the Belgian yeast strain.  Some grassy, straw flavors and hop spice.  Inviting.

Availability – 22oz Bombers.  Draft. Limited release in both mediums.

8.5% ABV

Notes: Just to recap – the Lips of Faith collection by New Belgium is a program, much like Dank Tanks, or Side Projects you see from other breweries where there brewer is given free reign to play around and experiment.  Not every release follows style, or precedent.  Its as NB says “boundary-free imagination.”

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