New Belgium Brewing turns 20 in June. The celebration of 2o years of brewing focuses on the most popular beer NB makes – Fat Tire.
While the celebrations are still developing/in progress New Belgium has announced that they will mark the occasion with a new beer – “Super Cru”. Super Cru will be based off Fat Tire, with twist.
From the label:
Our 20th Anniversary! Let’s roll a bunch of a New Belgium together and put it in a bottle, start with the backbone of Fat Tire, but double the malt and hops: add in Asian pear juice, a very Belgian thing to do: and bring it to live with a saison yeast. It’s a New Belgium Super Cru from us to you!
This beer will be part of the Lips Of Faith series, in bombers & draft.
Arrival: May-June 2011
10% ABV