Posted in New Belgium, Coming Soon, Headlines

New Belgium’s Fat Tire series is expanding with Fat Tire White Ale

New Belgium Fat Tire White Ale

New Belgium Fat Tire White Ale, a new addition to the brewery’s “Fat Tire” family, debuts in August.

Later this summer, ordering a Fat Tire won’t be limiting your choices to just the iconic amber ale. For the first time in 25 years, New Belgium is putting a true Belgian-style white ale into full scale production.

The authentic white ale will feature Seville orange peel and coriander from Fort Collins, Colorado based Old Town Spice Shop, less than a mile from the brewery. New Belgium selected Seville oranges over Valencia oranges because thanks to their ‘brighter” aroma, and less cloying sweetness.

“Fat Tire Belgian White captures the spirit and flavor of a truly authentic Belgian White beer” – Peter Bouckaert, New Belgium’s Belgian Brewmaster

New Belgium Fat Tire White Ale will be available in 12 ounce bottles, 12 ounce cans, and draft starting August 1st.

Style: White Ale (w/ Orange Peel, Coriander)
Availability: 12oz Bottles, Cans, Draft
Debut: 8/1/17

5.2% ABV

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