The 2011 release of Mother Earth Brewing’s Silent Night Imperial Stout is 12/1/11. Night is a bourbon barrel aged imperial stout that just might rival others you may have had before. This years edition has a bit of a twist – coffee. Specifically Counter Culture Coffee.
Counter Culture Coffee tweaked their classic 1922 Mocha & Java blend just for us to give Silent Night an even more pronounced note of rich dark chocolate. For added body, richness, and complexity, we also mixed in Counter Culture’s sweet, heirloom Jagong coffee from northern Sumatra. Four pounds of savory beans went in each 20bbl batch. They were rough ground and steeped in the whirlpool for an hour.
Silent night just left the barrels last week, where it’s been since September. It will be bottled next week, 750ml bottles corked/caged.
There are 2 release parties:
11/30/11 – Beasley’s Chicken + Honey in Raleigh, NC
12/1/11 – Tap Room in Kingston, North Carolina.
Style: Imperial Stout, Barrel Aged
Availability: 750ml bottles. Draft. Winter Seasonal
9% ABV
Very good. They had a side by side comparison of ’10 and ’11 I did like ’11 better. I’m not sure if
the aging had an effect on the flavor or not. Some liked the ’10 better. Both were excellent though.
My wife and I got 6 bottles for gifts.