Posted in Cool Stuff, Videos

Is Beer America The Next “Must See TV”?

Boulder based Warren Miller Entertainment has partnered with Texas Based Studios 121 to create what could be the next beer tv in prime time.  According to, the producers have send footage (focusing on Oskar Blues Brewing) to a few TV stations.

The show would feature 8 episodes that follow 6 breweries on their quest to create, send, and eventually win a medal at the Great American Beer Festival in Denver, Colorado.   BeerAmerica.TV is a project of Paul Leone, who has wanted to launch a national TV show about the brewing industry for years.  Thus is the basis for BeerAmerica.TV.

As you can see from the trailer below, Oskar Blues really fits the creative approach this show requires.

If the show does get picked up, there is a higher than likely chance that Oskar Blues would be one of the featured breweries.  [CoDaily, BeerAmerica]


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