Half Acre Beer (Chicago, IL) will introduce a new can in March, Lead Feather Black Ale. The 16oz can offering will join the brewery’s year round lineup.
We can all sit on sun drenched patios and freely spill speed beer down our throats till paid transportation takes us home. You want to squirrel away a couple x-tra pales and head to yoga? No problem, Namaste.
But, there are times when fleshy black beer is the only thing that offers the necessary weight. Visiting your uncle’s machine shop to thread some pipe before hitting a dirt track sprint car race….? You might want to digest some Lead Feather Black Ale.
Half Acre Lead Feather will be available in March, 2015. Already available in the tap room.
Style: Black IPA
Availability: 16oz Cans. Year-round.
Release: March, 2015
6% ABV
Read more: Half Acre News