Probably the most disturbing beer label you’ll see today. Evil Twin’s newest collaboration with Westbrook Brewing Co (where it’s brewed), and the Charleston Beer Exchange. The beer is chock full of blueberries. And Bieber references. Just bask in it’s Teenie Bopper glory.
OMG! It’s JUSTIN BLABAER!!! If you have “Blaeber fever,” then this is the only solution. We stuffed so many blueberries into this beer–it’s going to make you shout “Oh, Baby!” This is dedicated to AVSB, A&F YFFL – EW, MW, RWM, BE, SS, RC. A collaboration between Evil Twin Brewing, Westbrook Brewing Co, & The Charleston Beer Exchange.
Style: Fruit Beer (w/ Blueberries)
Availability: 22oz bombers, Draft
Arrival: TBA
4.5% ABV