Posted in Beer News, Coming Soon

Evil Twin Freudian Slip: Brewed Stateside

Evil Twin Freudian SlipEvil Twin Freudian Slip.  This gypsy brewer has brewed at Amager, Brewdog, & De Molen to name a few, but this looks to be the first brewed stateside.  Specifically Westbrook Brewing, in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina.

Did you also at some point in your life get seduced by promising words liek “probably the best in world,”  “it works everytime”  etc?  This American barleywine ale says it how it is.  It’s intense, attention seekingly hoppy, and definitely your kind of beer.  A beer with a big ego, drive and a huge thirst for recognition.  

Style: Barleywine
Availability: 750ml bottles
Arrival: TBA

10.3% ABV 

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