Posted in Duck Rabbit Brewery, New Releases, Seasonal Return

Duck Rabbit Wee Heavy

One quick suggestion for Duck Rabbit Brewing (Farmville, NC) – they need to update their website.  Anyway, Duck Rabbit’s Wee Heavy was first released in April 2006.  This beer hasn’t seen much time at the bar or on shelves in Atlanta before this season.  It’s a “wee heavy” or strong scotch ale here in the United States.  This beer sold out in 1 day at the distributor.

Commercial Description:
None available.

Style: Wee Heavy (Strong Scotch Ale)

Taste Expectations: Caramel & bread.  Definitely for the malt forward beer lovers. Sweet. Touch of plum/dark cherry.

Availability: 12oz/6pks.  No draft specified.

8% ABV