Brick Store Pub’s already boasts being one of the best beer bars on the planet. If you have stepped foot in the pub, you know. BSP’s cellar however, is stuff of legend. It lies underneath the pub in an old bank vault. It’s not open to the public, so you have to be invited down to view it in all it’s glory. Until now.
The owners of Brick Store Pub have done some renovations to the the small room upstairs across from the Belgian Bar. They have turned it into a temperature controlled cellar, and filled it will years of beers they have hoarded away for years. Dave Blanchard (Co-owner) writes:
I am so pleased to announce the new addition to the Brick Store Pub- The Up Cellar. “Upstairs to the Right” is where we have created space to house the more than 500 rare and vintage ales which will be available to pub patrons come Wednesday the 17th (If all goes well which I anticipate it will). As many of you know, we have been hoarding away many many goodies over the past 5 years and we’ve FINALLY come to the point when we are cutting them loose! I will be there all day and night wednesday to give tours and celebrate what will certainly be the next frontier at BSP.
The new cellar debuts 11/17/10. See you at the Pub!