Dogfish Head Beer to Drink Music To is a new seasonal joining the Delaware based brewery’s today. A special party is planning at the Milton, Delaware brewery.
Dogfish Head is no stranger to beer and music collaborations – (see Positive Contact, American Beauty, Beer Thousand, etc.) This time, the beer be will be for whatever you want to listen to. Meet the official beer of Record Store Day – Dogfish Head Beer to Drink Music To.
In case you vinyl isn’t your thing, Record Store Day is the third Saturday in April, that celebrates independently owned record stores worldwide.
As for Dogfish Head Beer to Drink Music To, the base beer is a Belgian-style tripel, brewed with Sweet Orange Peel, Green Cardamon, Peppercorns, Vanilla.
While the beer debuts today at the brewery, markets should see 12 ounce bottles and draft in the weeks to come.
Style: Belgian-style Tripel (w/ Sweet Orange Peel, Green Cardamon, Peppercorns, Vanilla Beans)
Availability: 12oz Bottles, Draft.
Released: February, 2016
9% ABV
Image: Beer Street Journal