Posted in Coming Soon, Uinta Brewing

COMING SOON: Uinta Dubhe

Uinta Brewing (Salt Lake City, Utah) is joining the American Black Ale/ Black IPA craze with “Dubhe”.  Dubhe will be an imperial black ale brewed with hemp seed.  Hemp seeds are actually interesting sources of food.  They contain all the essential fatty acids & amino acids in order to sustain life.  Contrary to popular thought, the seeds do not get you high, or have psychoactive properties.  Hemp seeds when crushed or boiled give a nutty flavor.

The name Dubhe is pronounced “Dub”, and refers to the star in the front bowl of the big dipper, part of the constellation Ursa Major.  It is the second brightest star in the constellation.

Availability: 12oz bottles.

Arrival: Spring 2011

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