Posted in Clown Shoes Brewing, Coming Soon, Release Schedule

Clown Shoes In ’12: Moses Parts The Water, Coffee, Chocolate

Clown Shoes BrewingWhat’s on deck from Clown Shoes Brewing in 2012?  Here’s a cheat sheet:

Cocoa PowderImperial Chocolate Stout

LMPGLet My People Go Pale Ale- Pale Ale, hopefully made with freeze dried pineapple (depends how the test batches come out). Will have Moses wearing Clown Shoes while parting the waters on the label.

The Barista Breakfast Brown 10% ABV brown with cold water extracted coffee from our friends at Barismo.

The Billionairethis will be a big barleywine with some English and some American elements.

Lest we forget, the 2nd Anniversary release: Vampire Slayer
