Posted in Videos

VID: Celebrating Women in the Beer Industry

For the Love of Beer is looking to raise funds for post-production and distribution costs. We started filming this feature in December of 2009 and just ended in February of 2011, allowing us to document an intimate portrayal of our characters as they grow and develop within the industry and their personal lives. We love beer, but we love the people behind it even more.

We’re over halfway through the rough cut, and we’ve made it here through small investors, fund raising parties, and our personal checking accounts. This is a very low budget documentary, but in no way is that reflected in the production value. This additional funding will allow us to finish the editing process, allowing for soundtrack/scoring, graphics, color correction, and other finishing touches that our team isn’t capable of doing in house. This funding will also get us started with submitting the documentary into film festivals, scheduling and promoting solo releases, and dvd printing and distribution process.

We’d also like to take a moment to thank the lovely people at NW Documentary and Rex!, along with all of our beautiful and wonderfully generous subjects, for helping us get to this point. We can’t wait to finish this project and share the passion of the women in the NW beer industry, and we hope you agree.

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