Posted in Anheuser-Busch, Coming Soon

Buds & (Base)Balls

Budweiser YankeesBack in December of 2010, AB-InBev renewed their sponsorshop of Major League baseball.   The new contract is a multi-year contract worth millions.  Interestingly, the deal is only for 26 of the 30 teams.  As expected, artwork for team branded cans have surfaced.

Budweiser has been the sponsor of the MLB for more than 30 years.  The sponsorship wasn’t met without drama.   Prior to the deal last year, Anheuser-Busch InBev sued the MLB’s licensing arm in New York federal court.  The suit claimed that the MLB backed out of the sponsorship deal, then demanded more sponsorship fees.

Budweiser has sponsored Major League Baseball for more than 30 years and is the official beer sponsor for 26 of the league’s 30 teams

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