Mahrs Bräu
Mahr’s Mastodon Widely Available
Mahr’s Mastodon. The beer is brewed for the Atlanta, Georgia based metal band Mastodon. The band was touring in Germany, prompting Stephan Michel of Mahr’s Brau to create this lager for the crew. For a beer that was once apparently limited to 200 bottles, it’s now widely available in the United States and Canada.
Let’s be honest: You’re probably more likely to take illegal substances while you listen tothe heavy metal band Mastodon. But Mastodon and their crew had the opportunity to get shitfaced legally while they were playing the recent Sonisphere stop in Hockenheim, Germany on Saturday. Stephan Michel of Mahr’s Brau brewery created a limited edition Mastodon Premium Lager that was handed out to Mastodon and their crew at the show. They were reportedly “swallowing.”
Style: Lager
Availability: 750 ml bottles
5.2% ABV
pic via @GreensBeer