Icelandic brewery Steojar made news in January of last year when they launched a beer brewed with whale meal (called Hvalur Thorri). Animal activists went nuts. Furthermore, the Vesturland Public Health Safety deemed the beer unfit for sale, only to ultimately allow the beer to be sold.
Speaking of nuts, the brewery is back at it again, brewing a beer with whale balls. That’s right, whale testicles. Steojar decided to follow up their whale-based predecessor with smoked testicles from fin whales into the brew.
One full whale testicle is used in every batch. Hvalur 2 goes on sale January 23rd.
Depending on your sources, the fin whale is either endangered or hanging in nicely in the North Atlantic ocean. Whaling, and the consumption of whale is legal in Iceland, and controlled.
The brewery did not kill the whales for the testicles, but is a by-product of the Icelandic whaling business.