Posted in Cigar City Brewing, Coming Soon

Barrel Aged Hunaphu In Bottles

Hunahpu Bourbon

Hunahpu Bourbon

One of Cigar City Brewing’s most sought after beers is Hunahpu.  Hunahpu is imperial stout aged on Peruvian cacao nibs, ancho & pasilla chiles, cinnamon and Madagascar vanilla beans.  It gets released at Hunahpu Day in the spring at the brewery in Tampa.

Variations of Hunahpu have existed in the past, but only on draft.  Cigar City looks to be bottling different versions of this imperial stout.  Editions include all the spices above, aged in the following:

Hunahpu Aged In Whiskey – Stranahan’s Colorado Whiskey barrels

Hunahpu Aged in Rum – Flor De Cana Rum barrels

Hunahpu Aged in Bourbon – Four Roses Bourbon barrels

Typically, CC releases his beer only one day a year.  These could be prep for the next Hunahpu Day (2012).    At the last release day, CC offered up the same barrel aged variations of Marshal Zhukov, and Sea Bass.

11% ABV

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