Posted in Almanac Beer Co., Coming Soon

Almanac Pumpkin Pie de Brettaville to join Farm to Barrel Series

Almanac Pumpkin Pie de Brettaville

Almanac Pumpkin Pie de Brettaville looks to join the brewery’s ongoing Farm to Barrel Series in the coming months.

The California based brewery already has a few different renditions of “Brettaville” in their lineup, including a Tangerine de Brettaville, and a Peach de Brettaville. Almanac Pumpkin Pie de Brettaville features roasted heirloom pumpkins and fall spices, aged in oak barrels.

We start by brewing a bright and aromatic farmhouse ale with a blend of twelve “brett” yeast strains. After a vigorous primary fermentation, the beer is racked into wine barrels to mature. In cask, the beer takes on the complex flavors of the oak, and the brettanomyces yeast creates an exotic melange of earthy funk and tropical fruit flavors.

Almanac Pumpkin Pie de Brettaville will be a 375 milliliter bottle offering.

Style: American Wild Ale (w/ Pumpkin. Oak Barrel Aged.)
Availability: 375ml Bottles, Draft. Limited.
Release: TBA

7.3% ABV

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