Posted in Cigar City Brewing, Coming Soon

Aged in Rum: Cigar City Forgotten Island

Cigar City Forgotten Island

Introducing Cigar City Brewing’s Forgotten Island. This not-so-forgettable potential release from the Tampa based brewery is a Belgian-style quad aged in rum barrel. Rum on a tropical island? Count us in.

This dark complex style of ale originated in the Trappist monasteries of Belgium. It was sipped by monks during fasting and winter months. Forgotten Island adds a tropical twist via agin in Jamaican rum barrels. The barrel lends notes of vanilla, molasses, orange peel, cocoa, brown sugar, nutmeg, hazelnut, apricot and peach.This plethora of flavors and aromas from the rum barrel intermingles with banana, clove, cinnamon,fig, plum and brown sugar aromatics and flavors from the quadruple, creating a contemplative ale perfect for introspective moments far from the cares of the world. 

Style: Belgian-style Quadrupel (Barrel Aged, Rum)
Availability: 750 ml bottles
Arrival: TBA

?? ABV

note: The above is tentative.  Subject to change at whim of the brewer, the beer, or the barrel.

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