Shiner fans get excited. Hitting Atlanta shelves today is Shiner 101. This offering by Spoetzl Brewing – Shiner, Texas is a traditional Czech-style pilsner.
The pilsner is a pale lager that origniated in Pilsen, Bohemia – now modern day Czech Republic. Pilsners use pale malts and noble hops (low aroma, more for bittering) typically Saaz or Hallertau. This pilsner by Shiner is brewed with just 4 ingredients – water, barley, yeast and hops. The same way it evolved.
Ingredient Profile –
Hops – Saaz hops from Czech Republic
Malts – Bohemian Barley
ABV – 4.6%
22 IBU’s (International Bittering Units. Low number = Low Bitter)
Available now – 12 oz/6 pks & Draft
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