Posted in 21st Amendment Brewing, New Releases

21st Amendment Fireside Chat Arrives!

The newest from can evangelists 21st Amendment Brewing (San Francisco, CA) is here.  Good for fall, perfect for winter.  It’s a spiced English style ale with a lot of flavor to get you through these not so cold Georgia nights.  21st Amendment does well with spices.  You’ll see soon with Monk’s Blood.

Commercial Description:
Like FDR’s Depression-era radio addresses, which were like a kick in the butt and a hug at the same time, our Fireside Chat is a subtle twist on the traditional seasonal brew. We begin with a rich, dark, English-style ale and then we improvise with spices until we know we have a beer worth sharing with the nation.  Fireside Chat is our early winter seasonal brew available from October through December in six pack cans and on draft. Brewed like a classic, warming Strong Ale but with a subtle blend of hand-selected spices for just the right festive flair.

Beer Rundown:
Style: Winter Warmer
Hops: Magnum, Goldings
Malts: Munich, Wheat, Crystal, Aromatic, De Bittered Black
Spices, Cocoa Nibs

Taste Expectations: Spices, cinnamon, clove, nutmeg.  Hints of cocoa.  Caramel & toffee malts.  Slightly citrus hops, nice dry finish.

Availability: 12 oz/6 pk cans.  Draft.  October-December.  Seasonal

7.9% ABV

Looking for this? In Stock: Tower.  Hop City, & Greens on Thursday.  Have it?  Leave a comment. I’ll add you.

Thanks Tower Beer, Wine, & Spirts for the photo!

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