Posted in Beer News, Brewery Expansions, Yazoo Brewing

Yazoo Potentially Expanding. Georgia Next?

CORRECTION: Yazoo Has NOT pulled out of Mississipi.  Just not hitting any new markets there.

Yazoo Brewing (Nashville, TN) is potentially expanding.  The current 10 man brewing operation has seen 50% growth in the past year.  Riding high on this growth, is expansion possible? Linus Hall says maybe.  Apparently the brewery had to slow distribution expansion  in Mississipi (an unfortunately dry desert for good beer already) to keep up with demand in the southeast.

Yazoo brewmaster Linus Hall said on Nashville Public Radio:

“We want to see if this growth is sustainable. We’re contemplating putting a lot of money into expansion and more capacity and if all the sudden the market falls off our cools off, we’ll be stuck with a lot of equipment we can’t use.”

Atlanta is a big and expanding beer market.  It’s save to say that a brewery expansion would be needed to not only keep up with demand, but reach new markets.  Stay postive. <NashvillePublicRadio>

One thought on “Yazoo Potentially Expanding. Georgia Next?

  1. I heard this and also saw Vandy MBA students (Linus’ alma mater) are helping them figure this all out.  It’s exciting! Wish it was OH though so I could stop bootleggin’ it 😉 Just toured the new place a bit ago.  So much bigger, they are definitely on the move.  

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