Wild Heaven Ode To Mercy Special Winter Ale has become a seasonal Atlanta favorite over the past few years. A wintery spin on the brewery’s year-round brown ale always signals cold weather is coming.
Wild Heaven Ode to Mercy Special Winter Ale is being bottled for the first time today, in 22 ounce format. Brewmaster Eric Johnson took Wild Heaven Ode To Mercy, and added bourbon soaked oak chips. he result is a winter beer with oak, vanilla, coffee, with a semi sweet finish.
You’ll find Special Winter Ale in 22 ounce bottles and draft. (Within the week of this update)
Style: American Brown Ale (w/ Bourbon Soaked Oak Chips)
Availability: Draft. 22oz Bottles (New)
Return & Bottle Launch: Early November, 2015
8.2% ABV
hi! my name is brook bolen, and i am a freelance writer. i’d love to use your image for a thrillist piece that i am writing (and credit you, of course). would that be possible? thank you in advance!