Posted in Don't Miss This, Wicked Weed Brewing Co

Wicked Weed Launches New Series This Month

Wicked Weed Brewing (Asheville, NC) is on the cusp of launching a new series of beers you’ll come to know as Moeder Belgian-style Ales.

The Moder Series will offset the summer and fall offerings of the Terra Locale Series, focusingĀ on old world styles. You’ll enjoy four different styles in this series – a Belgian-style tripel, quad, golden strong, and a strong dark.

Each of the styles will use spices and fruits that support the old world style flavors. Wicked Weed will use dried cherry and apricot in the quadrupel, and lavender and honey in the tripel. These strong styles will be perfect for cold weather drinking.

The first release in Wicked Weed’s Moder SeriesĀ is Belgian-style strong ale, Hiver Joie, brewed with cranberries, orange peel, plum, and coriander. Hiver Joie will release in late December, or early January, 2015.

Image via Wicked Weed

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