Posted in Seasonal Return, Weyerbacher

Weyerbacher Makes 3 Major Pumpkin Releases in July

Weyerbacher Imperial Pumpkin Ale

Just as I was writing the other two articles on pumpkin beers already hitting shelves, I thought about this- Weyerbacher Imperial Pumpkin is now available too. Just waiting on football and an actual pumpkin to carve. Even though it is due out in August, it has already been spotted on shelves in the northeast.

This 8.0% ABV pumpkin ale is the mother of all pumpkin ales. It is heartier, spicier, and more “caramelly” and “pumpkiny” than its faint brethren! We have added lots of pumpkin along with cinnamon, nutmeg and a touch of cardamom and clove giving this beer a spicy, full-bodied flavor. This truly is an Imperial Pumpkin Ale

Style: Pumpkin Beer
Availability: 12oz bottles, Draft. Julyish- November, Seasonal.

8% ABV

Above: Weyerbacher recently updated the artwork for the pumpkin seasonal…


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