Posted in Beer News

Weak Draft Beer at Atlanta Venues!

If you come to this site, you are probably a craft beer fan.  As much as you and I love it, you can’t get it everywhere.   Especially if you frequent sporting venues.  So you are at a Thrashers game, and you have to go buy a macro beer, you’re paying 7.25 a cup.  As if that isn’t bad enough, a report released by found that the beer isn’t even what you pay for.  It’s watered down.

Federal guidelines state that beer must reveal the ABV on the bottle label. (For whatever reason, that’s not always the case.) It is the same Federal/state laws that allow for the beer to fluctuate +/- .3%.  Ok, so what does that mean? Well, a study was recently performed on the beers at major Atlanta venues, and what was found was disturbing.  The most blatant – Philips Arena.  Apparently the beer tested MUCH lower than reported.  Meaning?  Not sure what conclusion to draw.  Is the beer watered down?  Cheap way to make more money?  Irresponsible draft management?  Are the concession companies being sold bad/irregular kegs?  You decide.

Article Link from WSB –>

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