Posted in Coming Soon, Victory Brewing Company

Victory Dry-Hopped Brett Pils coming in April

Victory Dry-Hopped Brett Pils is coming to the brewery’s new Blackboard Series in April, 2016.

On January 1, 2016 the first Blackboard Series beer will join the series – an IPA brewed with grapefruit and agave nectar.

There are four releases in the series in 2016, inspired by restaurant blackboard specials. Victory Dry-Hopped Brett Pils is a riff on the brewery’s famous Prima Pils recipe, fermented with Brettanomyces yeast.

Bookmark this link for more information closer to the beers arrival in late-March/April, 2016.

Style: American Wild Ale
Availability: TBA
Release: April, 2016

?? ABV

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