Posted in Coming Soon, Don't Miss This, Three Taverns Brewery

Three Taverns To Launch First Big Bottles

Three Taverns Craft Brewery (Decatur, GA) will debut their first 750ml offering in December, Theophan the Recluse. The beer is already available on draft.  Recluse is brewed with a mix of eight specialty dark malts, Muscovado sugar, and a Belgian yeast strain.

Theophan the Recluse was a Russian monk known for the spiritual depth and complexity of his writings. We consider him a perfect namesake for this rich, complex imperial stout, brewed with eight specialty malts, dark Muscovado sugar and a Belgian yeast strain. Deep, mysterious, full-bodied and indefinably exotic, Theophan the Recluse is meant to transport drinkers to a place of deep contemplation, mystical insight and inspired conversation.

Theophan the Recluse launched in early October. It’s Three Tavern’s third offering.

Style: Imperial Stout (w/ Muscovado Sugar)
Availability: Draft, 750 ml Bottles (December)

9% ABV

4 thoughts on “Three Taverns To Launch First Big Bottles

  1. This is an outrage. I’m a Russian Orthodox Christian AND a beer-lover, and St. Theophan the Recluse would be appalled and completely embarrassed by this. Although I’m sure your beer is awesome, and believe me when I tell you that I truly and sincerely think that it is, I cannot stand to allow this. I humbly ask that you change the name of this beer immediately. And before you shrug it off, don’t forget that I have the power of social media behind me with millions of Orthodox Christians that would stand with me.

  2. I am an Orthodox Christian and I find this extremely disconcerting as well. Not because alcohol is somehow inherently “bad” or “profane,” but because while I believe that “all that is, is sacred,” certain “icons” figuratively and literally in this case deserve special veneration and care, especially in a culture that has absolutely no place or concept for Holiness. By appropriating the person St Theophan and an iconographic depiction of him for purposes of marketing and sales, I feel you are inadvertently objectifying his person and image for figurative and literal disposal amid other objects on the market. I feel the commodification and ultimate disposal of a reality that some of us cherish extremely intimately is very disheartening and frustrating. I am hoping that this sentiment will not be perceived as extremely self important and mellow dramatic, but I can insure you it is not. Under an infinitely greater amount of zeal and devotion than I have or am speaking from, thousands have given their lives for the protection and veneration of Holy Icons over history, and I do not believe this is for them to be used to market products or ultimately end up on bottle labels that will end up in the trash. I sincerely hope you do not receive this as an attack, but instead food for thought, and prayerfully reconsider the use of St Theophan on your label.

  3. Well, ya know, when weve got Old Rasputin, and all these “Imperial” “Russian” Stouts with F@!$ing star and hammer and sickle, I dont mind so much. You know they do have the “Tsar” with Tsar Nicholas II who is considered a Passion bearer because of the guys with the hammer and sickles. You guys do need to change the Blessing hand and get rid of the goblet. Dont mock the Icon. He has a lot of self portraits that are professional quality. Use one of those. I am in the middle of reading his “Path to Salvation” for the second time right now. Amazing.

  4. Get over yourselves, folks. If you had read the title description, you’d realize that the beer was named in tribute of the man, not in jest of. The label makes no difference- they can depict Theophan how they please. Considering it a “marketing” strategy isn’t hardly accurate as I had no idea who Theophan was until I read about the beer itself. So thanks to 3 Taverns for filling me in upon this wonderfully unique stout and its namesake. I hope you keep the label and name as is and have great success with its release. Don’t give way to the criticism and their idle threats as they don’t have a leg to stand on.

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