New year-round beer for 2017 – Terrapin Easy Gose.
In summer 2016, Terrapin launched Watermelon Gose. Easily one the best hot weather beers we had last year. Releasing a gose on a large scale like that taught the brewery something. People love the gose style.
Watermelon Gose will return in time again for hot weather, alongside Terrapin Easy Gose.
Easy Gose will feature grapefruit peel, creating a beer that’s tart, light, and citrusy.
Terrapin Easy Gose will be a 12 ounce can and draft release, year-round
Style: Gose (w/ Grapefruit Peel, Coriander.)
Availability: 12oz Cans, Draft. Year-Round.
Debut: April, 2017
4.5%, 7 IBUs