The results are in. The people have spoken. Terrapin’s Dos Cocoas has been voted back into production for 2013. Dos Cocoas made debut as Side Project #4 in 2009. Dos is a porter brewed with two different kinds of cocoa. Cocoa powder in the brewing process (whirlpool) and then a month resting on cocoa nibs.
There was some ballot box stuffing that was apparently pushing Indiana Krunkles in the lead. The brewery knew was was up, and made sure the right candidate won. No mention of the 2013 release date.
Style: Porter (w/ Cocoa)
Hops: EKG, Fuggle
Malts: 2 Row Silo, Munich Lt., Munich Dark, Crystal 85 L, Chocolate Malt, Black Malt
Availability: TBA on re-release
5.8% ABV
Really? Another Chocolate beer? Interested to see how this tastes diferent from Moo-Hoo……..Upsetting winner in my opinion,