Stone Brewing will make a strong political statement this May.. Stone I’M PEACH Double IPA is coming by month’s end.
We live in turbulent times. uThe United States is more polarized politically then it has in years. By the looks of it, Stone Brewing will be making a bold political statement in the form of a beer – Stone I’M PEACH Double IPA.
Related: 5 Rabbit Chinga tu Pelo, an Anti-Trump beer
In case you missed the not subtle note in the name – I’M PEACH aka IMPEACH. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out they are alluding to President Trump. Read the allusion in the beer’s description:
It’s what a lot of us are thinking. We want to shout I’M PEACH from the rooftops. Yet, we’re afraid of the potential alienation from select peach-hating members of our friends and family. We want to call fro and I’M PEACH, but we’re afraid that we’ll look soft. Peach soft, like some freedom hating sissy, right? Nope. Not in our world. We know peaches are for the righteous. We’ve seen the light of their sweet juicy glory and how they pair excellently with the standup character of an American IPA. It’s not just right for you, it’s right for the country. You’re proud of our beautiful nation. You support good taste. Have an I’M PEACH party and we’ll unite hops, peaches, and each other.
Not much subtlety found there.
Stone I’M PEACH Double IPA will debut in late May 2018 in 12-ounce cans and draft.
Style: Imperial IPA (w/ Peaches)
Availability: 12oz Cans, Draft.
Debut: Late May 2018
8.8% ABV