Posted in Coming Soon, Sierra Nevada

Wind Hurts Sierra Nevada Barley, New Beer Rises


The fall means that Sierra Nevada (Chico, CA) will release Estate Ale, featuring hops and malts grown at the brewery’s farm. 2013 would have been no different if it wasn’t for the weather. Beer is an agricultural production (hops, barley, etc). The Sierra Nevada Estate barley had a rough go of it this year.  Days of high winds, and too much rain made the barley crop impossible to brew with. There will be some happy cattle that are going to chow down on it though.

If you have never met a brewer before, know this. They always find a way to release a beer. Thus, meet DevESTATEtion, a black IPA homage to the lost crop. Using the Estate organic hops, and two row pale malt from Great Western Malting, DevESTATEtion Black IPA will arrive in September. RIP Sierra Nevada barley 2013.

Style: Black IPA
Availability: 25.4 oz bottles
Arrival: September, 2013

6.7% ABV


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