Posted in Seasonal Return, Short's Brewing

Short’s Brewing Cup of Joe hits shelves for 2016

Short's brewing Cup Of Joe

Short’s Brewing Cup Of Joe hits shelves this month for its 2016 seasonal release. Cup of Joe, a coffee cream stout, is brewed with fair trade espresso beans from Higher Grounds Trading Company.

Cup Of Joe started as a home brew recipe called Java The Stout in 2000.  From there it became the first stout brewed at Short’s.

Cup A Joe is brewed with locally roasted fair trade espresso beans from Higher Grounds, a coffee bar and roastery located in Traverse City, Michigan. Cup A Joe is a true Coffee Cream Stout, in that we add powdered milk sugar during the brewing process to give it a slight creaminess throughout. 

Taste: (Per Short’s) Prominent aromatics of malt, espresso, and cocoa are abundant and create a flavor robust with big malt characters fused with cream and coffee. The “perfect morning night capper.”

Short’s Cup of Joe hit shelves in 6-packs of 12oz. bottles in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin earlier this month.

Style: Stout (Coffee, Lactose)
Availability: 12oz bottles, Draft.
Release: November 2016

8% ABV


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