It’s the time of the season where summer beers are still in full fashion and fall ales start to make their fall appearance. The first pumpkin beer of the season – Shipyard’s Pumpkinhead is now on shelves. Pumpkinhead was first brewed in 2002 in Portand, Maine.
There are beers that use actually pumpkin, and beers that are spiced like pumpkin. Pumpkinhead is the latter- spiced like pumpkin. Ingredients:
Style: Wheat Ale with spices
Hops: Hallertau, Willamette
Malts: 2 Row British Pale, Malted Wheat, Light Munich.
Yeast: English Ale
Taste Expectations: Hints of pumpkin, nutmeg, and cinnamon. Wheat malt brings this beer full circle. Crisp and light.
Availability: 12oz/6 pks, Draft. September- October seasonally.
5.1% ABV